? Please Read ? Coronavirus Update News
During these uncertain times it is so difficult for us all to know what to do. I have had to think about how I can still deliver baby massage to Mums and Dads without being in the same room. Following the press conferences given by the Prime Minister this week and after noting the government advice on Social distancing I have decided upon the following: All baby massage retreats and workshops are postponed until further notice.
However the Beginner’s baby massage course will be still delivered via Zoom. This easy to use platform means that I can see you, you can see me & the other participants, allowing you the opportunity to chat, ask questions and gain advice. Therefore our classes will remain a safe and supportive space.
Why book an online course?
?Classes will be run on the same day as before, there’s no rush to get everyone ready and out the house to get to your class on time…If needs be you can do it in your PJ’s – there’s no judgement here!
?We will continue to run online for as long as we need to. Therefore you will have a guaranteed weekly class even if you or I need to self isolate.
?You can choose to attend a group online session or book a private online session instead – delivered to the comfort of your own home.
?Finally you will be supporting a small business, one that will be eternally grateful. We all need to be supporting the business we want to see in the future.
How to Book:
If you are booked on a course or have enquired about a course I will be in touch soon with the details
For all Mums or Dads who are wanting to enroll onto the next course, please email me Sarah@babycherish.co.uk and I can give you details for the online course.
Please do follow the government advice that if you have a cough or a temperature please stay at home. Our babies have a limited immune system and although science shows that children fair much better than adults we don’t want to expose our littlest of people to any virus let alone covid-19.
Current guidelines for social distancing are:
- Avoid large and small gatherings in public spaces, noting that pubs, restaurants, leisure centres and similar venues are currently shut as infections spread easily in closed spaces where people gather together.
- Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media
- Use telephone or online services to contact your GP or other essential services For more details see or http://www.gov.uk
Motherhood is isolating enough without it being imposed upon anyone so I’m hoping that the virtual classes will still allow us to chat and share our experiences. Remember, though to take care of yourself, get out in the garden, go for a walk, learn a new skill, stay in touch with friends and family.
Any thoughts or ideas for future online classes or activities please let me know.
Sarah x